HI, I’m Dave
Hello everybody,
My name is Dave Wormald and I’m a golf hacker. I’ve been playing this great game, on and off, for over thirty five years. In my hay day, I got down to a twelve handicap, however with travel, study, different jobs and some hard times, including an amputation in 2014, I have given up almost everything that I really enjoyed in my life but I’m not ready to give up golf just yet.
Like everything, it begins with an idea. My idea was to create a golfing challenge for the average golf hacker, offering encouragement to broaden the horizons and get all the hackers in the country to explore their surrounding courses, and maybe some a little further afield, all with a purpose of enjoying the game with an incentive.
As far as my research has shown this challenge is unique in both the scope, nation wide and the 12 month duration.
As well as administering the competition I’ll also be unofficially (AVOIDING IMPROPRIETY AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST) taking part and like you my progress can be followed on the competition leaderboard.
So to one and all, Welcome, Good luck and Happy golfing
Dave W